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American Society for Environmental History "The American Society for Environmental History seeks understanding of the human experience of the environment. Emphasis is on the perspectives of history and the liberal arts and sciences. The Society encourages dialogue among the disciplines on every aspect of the present and past relationship of humankind to the natural environment. To these ends, the Society organizes conferences and publishes a refereed journal. National meetings take place yearly." |
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Association canadienne d'études environnmentales "The Environmental Studies Association of Canada (ESAC) is a Learned Society formed in 1993 to further research and teaching activities in areas related to environmental studies in Canada. ESAC is a non-profit, federally incorporated, bilingual organization open to members from across Canada and elsewhere. Members are welcome from educational institutions, government agencies, and private sector and non-profit organizations. ESAC members are primarily (though not exclusively) interested in social science and humanities approaches to environmental issues and problems." |
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Association canadienne des géographes![]() "L'Association canadienne des géographes (ACG) est l'organisme d'envergure nationale qui représente les géographes en exercice dans les secteurs public et privé, et dans le milieu universitaire. L'ACG s'engage à diffuser les résultats de recherches géographiques par la présentation de communications à l'occasion de différents congrès nationaux et régionaux, et par la publication du Géographe canadien." |
Centre interuniversitaire d'études québécoises "L'évolution de la recherche en sciences humaines a favorisé le regroupement de chercheurs au sein d'équipes interdisciplinaires et interuniversitaires qui développent des approches intégrées de leur objet d'études. Le Centre interuniversitaire d'études québécoises (CIEQ), s'inscrit dans cette orientation. Fondé en 1993, il a réuni le Laboratoire de géographie historique de l'Université Laval et le Centre d'études québécoises (CÉDEQ) de l'Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières. Il est soutenu financièrement par ces deux universités, ainsi que par le FQRSC." |
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Centre interuniversitaire de recherche sur la science et la technologie![]() "Le CIRST est, au Canada, le principal regroupement interdisciplinaire de chercheurs dont les travaux sont consacrés à l'étude des dimensions historiques, sociales, politiques et économiques de l'activité scientifique et technologique. Le CIRST rassemble une quarantaine de chercheurs provenant d'une douzaine d'institutions et de plusieurs disciplines (histoire, sociologie, science politique, philosophie, sciences économiques management et communications)." |
Documenting Environmental Change![]() |
Envirotech "Envirotech focuses on the interrelationship of technology and nature. Since the early 1990s, "nature and technology" have received greater attention in conference presentations, journals, and monographs by historians of technology and environmental historians." ![]() |
European Society for Environmental History "ESEH was formed in 1999 to to promote environmental history in Europe, by encouraging and supporting research, teaching and publications in the field." The Society aims to stimulate dialogue between humanistic scholarship, environmental science and other disciplines. It welcomes members from all disciplines and professions who share its interest in past relationships between human culture and the environment." |
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Forest History Society "The Forest History Society links the past to the future by identifying, collecting, preserving, interpreting, and disseminating information on the history of interactions between people, forests, and their related resources - timber, water, soil, forage, fish and wildlife, recreation, and scenic or spiritual values. The focus is from a North American perspective within a global context. Established in 1946 and incorporated as a nonprofit educational institution in 1955, the Forest History Society has grown steadily in response to increasing public concern about our forest heritage. It is affiliated with Duke University." |
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H-Canada "A member of H-Net Humanities & Social Sciences OnLine. H-Canada is the H-Net discussion list dealing with Canadian History and Studies." H-Environment "A gateway to information concerning past human interactions with nature. Part of H-NET, the Humanities & Social Sciences OnLine initiative, H-Environment is supported by organizations of professional historians." |
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International Commission on History of Meteorology "The aims of the International Commission on History of Meteorology shall be: a) to promote the scholarly study of the history of meteorology, climatology, and related sciences including their social and cultural aspects; b) to facilitate international cooperation and communication among historians, philosophers, and scientists; c) to organize symposia at the International Congresses of History of Science, to sponsor or co-sponsor other meetings of similar character, and to disseminate the proceedings of these meetings; d) to promote identification, collection, preservation, and access to historical materials; e) to encourage the compilation of international historical bibliography; f) to support the broader goals of the DHS, IUHPS, and ICSU (International Council of Scientific Unions)." |
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Navigational Aids for the History of Science, Technology & the Environment "The NAHSTE project, based at the University of Edinburgh and funded by the Research Support Libraries Programme (RSLP), was designed to open up a variety of outstanding collections of archives and manuscripts held at the three partner Higher Education Institutions (HEIs), and to make them fully accessible on the Web. The project also shows linkages to related records held by non-HEI collaborators." |
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Network in Canadian History & Environment "NiCHE was formed in the fall of 2004 to find new ways of supporting collaboration among Canadian environmental historians and colleagues in adjacent fields." |
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North American Association for Environmental Education "EE-Link is a participant in the Environmental Education and Training Partnership (EETAP) of the North American Association for Environmental Education (NAAEE)." |
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