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Base de données intégrée
en histoire environnementale du Canada

Bibliographic references

The compilation of references has been conducted according to themes touching upon the exploitation of natural resources and the occupation of landscape. The references covered by the bibliographic database are connected to environmental history and to Québec and Canadian studies. They are the following :
- Agriculture- Population and demography
- Climate and natural disasters- Production and consumption
- Ecology and environmentalism- Public health and epidemics
- Energy and hydraulic forces- Resources conservation and protection
- Forest and forestry- Science and technology
- Industrializaton and urbanization- Settlement and humanisation of physical space
- Land use- Spatial design and planning
- Landscape architecture- Transformation of landscape
- Minings and minerals- Transportation and communication
- National parks and natural reserves- Travels and explorations
- Natural resources conservation- Urban ecology
- Natural resources exploitation- Water and hydroelectricity
- Plants and crops- Wildlife, hunting and fishing
We have integrated articles and books, dissertations, theses, and reports, all within the field of Canadian studies, which are related to the social-environmental interactions. As such, one would find, for example, references for labour history and mining history, or studies on the condition of rural women. Similarly, we recognize that few of the authors cited identify themselves principally as environmental historians. Nevertheless, we prefer to offer researchers the most exhaustive bibliography possible.
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