A Reader's guide to Canadian history - 2 - confederation to present
A Sufficient Quantity of Pure and Whole Some Water, the Story of Hamilton's Old Pumphouse
Archaeology in Alberta
Archaeology in Newfoundland and Labrador 1986
A Bibliographic Study of Field Agriculture in the Canadian Prairie West 1870-1940
A Bibliographical history of Waterloo Township and other townships of the county; early settlers and their descendants
A Bibliography of British Columbia: Laying the Foundations, 1849-1899
A Bibliography of British Columbia: Years of Growth, 1900-1950
A Bibliography of Canadian Climate 1977-1981 = Bibliographie du climat canadien 1977-1981
A Bibliography of Canadian Climate, 1763-1957
A Bibliography of Canadian Climate, 1958-1971 = Bibliographie du climat canadien, 1958-1971
A Bibliography of Canadian Climate, 1972-1976 = Bibliographie du climat canadien, 1972-1976
A Bibliography of Dissertations in Geography, 1969 to 1982: American and Canadian Universities
A Bibliography of Dissertations in Geography: 1901 to 1969. American and Canadian Universities
A Bibliography of Major Planning Publications (May 1942- august 1982)
A Bibliography of the Natural History of Hamilton to the Year 1950
A Bibliography on Old-Growth Forests in British Columbia, with Annotations and Abstracts
A Biocultural Model of Dietary Decision Making among North Baffin Island Inuit: Explaining the Ecology of Food Consumption by Native Canadians
A Biographical history of early settlers and their descendants in Waterloo Township, par Ezra E. Eby, 1895 & 1896: supplément par Joseph B. Snyder, 1931
A Biography of William Pope: The Aubudon of Upper Canada
A Border Within: National Identity, Cultural Plurality, and Wilderness
A Boundless Horizon: Visual Records of Exploration and Settlement in the Manitoba Region, 1624-1874
A Brief History of Beacon Hill Park
A Brief History of Canada's National Parks
A Brief History of Forestry in Europe, the United States and Other Countries