Chaire de recherche du Canada en histoire environnementale du Québec

Liste alphabétique des auteurs

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Paananen, Donna M., Richard F. Fowler
Paarsch, Harry John
Paca, Barbara
Pacey, Antony
Pacey, Desmond
Packer, K. J.
Paddock, Joe
Paddon, Harry G.
Paddon, Wayne
Paddy Reid, C. S.
Paddy, Victor
Paehlke, Robert C.
Page, Donald Murray
Page, Jake
Pagé, Pierre
Pagé, Robert
Page, Robert J. D.
Pagé, Thérèse
Pageaux, Daniel-Henri
Paiement, Paul-Aimé
PaillÇ, Gilbert G.
Paillé, Gilbert
Paille, Michel
Pain, Rodney H.
Pain, Sidney Albert
Painchaud, Paul
Painchaud, Robert
Painting, G. E.
Palau, Mercedes
Palda, Kristian S.
Palladino, Paolo
Palliser, John
Palmer-Benson, Timothy B.
Palmer, Bryan D.
Palmer, Byron C.
Palmer, Craig T.
Palmer, Gary
Palmer, H. Spencer
Palmer, Howard
Palmer, Howard D.
Palmer, Katherine V. W.
Palmer, Ken
Palmer, Richard
Palmer, Richard ed
Palmer, Richard F.
Palmer, Stanley
Palmer, Stanley H.
Palmer, Tamara
Palmer, Virginia A.
Palomba, Ida
Paltsits, Victor Hugo
Palu, Louie
Pampalon, Robert
Panasuk, Anne-Marie
Pannekoek, Frits
Pantazzi, Michael
Pantazzi, Sybille
Pantenbrug, Vitalis
Panting, G. E.
Panting, Gerald E.
Papillon, Martin
Paquet, Christiane
Paquet, Gilles
Paquet, Lucie
Paquet, Martin
Paquette, Paul-Emile
Paquette, Philémon H.
Paquette, Pierre
Paquin, Michel
Paquin, Normand
Paquin, Yvette
Paradis, André
Paradis, Jean-Marc
Paradis, Luce
Paradis, Michèle
Paradis, Rodolphe O.
Paradis, Roger
Parent, Daniel
Parent, Diane
Parent, Gilles
Parent, Jean-Claude
Parent, Marie
Parent, Robert
Parenteau, Bill
Parenteau, René
Parenteau, Roland
Parenteau, William Mark
Parfitt, Ben
Parisé, Gérald
Parish, R.
Parizeau, Gérard
Park, Chris C.
Park, Edwards
Park, Julian
Park, Kip
Park, Robert W.
Parker, Blanche
Parker, Bruce A.
Parker, David N.
Parker, Douglas V.
Parker, Elizabeth
Parker, G. R.
Parker, Geoffrey Francis
Parker, Ian Donald
Parker, James L.
Parker, James McPherson
Parker, John
Parker, Keith Alfred
Parker, King Lawrence
Parker, Mike
Parker, Paul
Parker, V. J.
Parker, W. H.
Parkes, David G.
Parkin, John Hamilton
Parkin, Tom W.
Parkins, Al.
Parkinson, Anna
Parkinson, Edward John
Parkinson, Grenville M
Parkinson, Grenville M.
Parkman, Francis
Parks, Arthur Carmichael
Parks, J. G. M.
Parks, Malcolm G.
Parliament, Ralph
Parmelee, J. A.
Parmet, Wendy E.
Parminter, John
Parnaby, Andrew
Parnall, Maggie
Parr, E. R.
Parr, G. J.
Parr, Joy
Parrott, Donald F
Parrott, Donald F.
Parrott, Michael
Parry, Ann
Parry, J. H.
Parry, William Edward
Parson, Dudley L.
Parson, Edna Tyson
Parson, Edward A.
Parson, Helen Edna
Parsons, John
Parsons, John E.
Parsons, L. S.
Parsons, T. R.
Parsons, William
Partridge, Florence G.
Pasay, Janice L.
Pascoe, David W.
Passfield, Robert W.
Passfield, Robert Walter
Pastor, H. M.
Pastore, Ralph T.
Patching, Edwin Arthur
Patenaude, Branwen Christine
Patenaude, Luce
Paterson, D. G.
Paterson, Donald G.
Paterson, John Leonard
Paterson, Margaret
Paterson, Ross Hunter
Paterson, Thomas W
Paterson, Thomas W.
Paterson, Thomas W. R. A.
Paterson, Thomas William
Paterson, Tom
Patricia, Alice McCormack
Patrick, Betty
Patrick, Calvin M.
Patrick, Z. A.
Patten, John
Patterson, E. Palmer
Patterson, Frances
Patterson, Gerard A.
Patterson, Howard L.
Patterson, J. Daniel
Patterson, John
Patterson, Judith
Patterson, Margaret Jean
Patterson, Nancy-Lou
Patterson, Palmer
Patterson, Pat
Patterson, R. G.
Patterson, R. M.
Patterson, Raymond M
Patterson, Raymond M.
Patterson, William John
Patterson, William Mead
Pattison, Christopher C.
Patton, Donald John
Paul, A.
Paul, Alec H.
Paul, Bimal Kante
Paul, Derek
Paul, Diane
Paul, Jocelyn Tehatarongnantase
Paul, Norman Joan
Paul, Patrice
Paulsen, Frank M.
Paupanekis, Maxwell
Pawlett, Steve
Payette, Bernard Clyde
Payment, Diane
Payment, Diane Paulette
Payne, Anthony
Payne, Charles Harvey
Payne, Claire
Payne, Helen
Payne, J. R.
Payne, M. B.
Payne, Michael
Payne, Michael B
Payne, Michael B.
Payne, Michael Beauchamp
Payne, Raymond William
Paynter, Sheila
Pazdro, Roberta Jane
Peach, A. Kate
Peacock, David
Peacock, Don
Peacock, Donald
Peacock, Evan
Peacock, Hugh
Peacock, Jim
Peacock, John
Peacock, Shane
Peacock, Suzanne
Peake, Franck A
Peake, Frank A.
Pearce, Bruce M.
Pearce, Jon
Pearce, Susan M.
Pearce, William
Pearsall, Alan W. H.
Pearse, Charles R.
Pearse, Peter H.
Pearse, Theed
Pearson, C. W.
Pearson, D. F.
Pearson, Nelda K.
Pearson, Norman
Peattie, Donald Culross
Peck, Mary
Peck, Oswald
Peck, Robert McCracken
Peck, Trevor
Peck, Trevor Richard
Peckover, F. L.
Pederson, C. T.
Peel, Bruce
Peel, Bruce Braden
Peerla, David
Peers, Laura Lynn
Peet, Fred J.
Pegg, Arthur Patterson
Pegg, Brian
Peisson, Edouard
Pelington, Norman
Pelland, Louis
Pelleck, John A.
Pellegrin, Jean-Pierre
Pellerin-Camirand, Suzanne
Pelletier, Charles-E.
Pelletier, Denis
Pelletier, François
Pelletier, Gaby
Pelletier, J. -Roland
Pelletier, J.-Roland
Pelletier, Jacques
Pelletier, Jean-Marie
Pelletier, Léa
Pelletier, Raymond
Pelletier, Réjean
Pelley, Amphion
Pelley, Charles
Pelly, David F.
Pelly, Malcolm
Péloquin, Louise
Peltre, Jean
Pena, Orlando
Pendakur, Krishna
Pendergast, James F.
Pendergast, Russell Anthony
Pendle, Frank E Jr.
Penfold, Steven
Peng, Jimao
Penhallow, David Pearce
Penley, J. Kenneth
Penn, Briony
Penn, Briony Heather Elisabeth
Pennanen, Gary
Pennefather, R. S.
Penner, Anna
Penney, Dave
Penney, R. W.
Penney, Sheila M.
Pennie, A. M.
Penny, Charles W.
Pepall, Rosalind
Pepin, Marcel
Pépin, Marius
Pépin, Y. P.
Pepper, Vernon A.
Perch, David G.
Percival, Robert
Percy, David R.
Percy, Michael
Percy, Michael B.
Perdikaris, Sophia
Perkins, Don
Perkins, Nelson S.
Perkins, W. E.
Perlin, A. B.
Perlin, George C.
Pernin, Peter
Perrault, Claude
Perrault, Denis
Perrault, Ernest G.
Perrault, Isabelle
Perrault, J.
Perreault, E. G.
Perreault, Guy
Perrier, Jocelyne
Perron, Dominique
Perron, Hélène
Perron, J. -M.
Perron, Marc-André
Perron, Martin
Perron, Normand
Perron, Sylvie
Perry, Adele
Perry, Alice
Perry, B. Dale
Perry, G. R.
Perry, J. Harvey
Perry, Lillian Scott
Perry, Margaret L.
Perry, Richard J.
Petch, C. E.
Petch, Carol
Petch, Charles M.
Petch, Robert F.
Petel, Denise
Peter K. Schoonmaker, Bettina Von Hagen
Peter, C. Nichols
Peter, Franziska
Peter, Karl A.
Peterjohn, Bruce G.
Peterken, George F.
Peterman, Michael A.
Peters, Bernard C.
Peters, David Williams
Peters, Donald Alexander
Peters, Evelyn J.
Peters, Jacob E.
Peters, John H.
Peters, P. J.
Peters, R. Dewey
Peters, Rob
Peters, Suzanne M.
Petersen, Eugene T
Petersen, Gene B.
Petersen, James O.
Petersen, Olive Mackay
Peterson del Mar, David
Peterson, Charles E.
Peterson, Hans J.
Peterson, Jacqueline
Peterson, Jon A.
Peterson, Lester Ray
Peterson, Virgil G., Paul R. Smith, Charles Plant, Elwood R. Maunder, Betty E. Mitson
Pethick, Derek William
Petit, Françoise-Eugénie
Petitot, Émile
Petker, Donald C.
Petrides, Bette
Petrie, Francis J.
Petter, Andrew
Petti, Anthony G.
Pettigrew, Eileen
Pettipas, Leo
Pettit, Sydney G.
Peyron, L. J.
Peyser, Joseph L.
Pfaff, Catherine McKinnon
Pfeiffer, Susan
Pfyffer, Robert L. de
Phaneuf, Louis-Philippe
Pharand, Donat
Pharand, Jacques
Phares, Ross
Phelan, Kenneth W
Phelan, Reg
Phelps, Dawson A.
Phelps, Edward
Phelps, Edward Charles Howard
Phelps, William Dane, William Sturgis
Phidd, R. W.
Phifer, Mike
Philipps, David W.
Philipps, Paul A.
Philipps, R. A. J.
Philips, Terrence
Phillips, Allan
Phillips, B. F.
Phillips, Caroline
Phillips, David
Phillips, David W.
Phillips, Doris
Phillips, E. M.
Phillips, Fred
Phillips, Fred H.
Phillips, Glen C.
Phillips, J. H. H.
Phillips, James W.
Phillips, Jim
Phillips, Leslie H. C.
Phillips, Marie
Phillips, Michael
Phillips, Paul A
Phillips, Paul A.
Phillips, Paul C.
Phillips, R. A. J.
Phillips, Rosemary
Phillips, William Gregory
Phillipson, Donald J. C.
Philpotts, L. E.
Phin, John
Phipps, Barry
Phipps, Constantine John
Phipps, R. W.
Phyne, John
Picard, Jean
Piccione, Marie-Lyne
Piché, Gustave C.
Piché, Jean-Stephen
Pichette, J.-A.- Robert
Pichette, Jean-Pierre
Pichette, Robert - A.
Pickard, G. L.
Pickard, Rod
Pickell, Ellen C.
Pickell, William
Pickering, Maggie
Pickett, Evelyne Stitt
Pickles, Katie
Piddocke, J. L.
Piddocke, Stuart Michael
Piedalue, Gilles
Pielou, E. C.
Piérard, Jean
Pierce, J. Kingston
Pierce, J. T.
Pierce, John
Pierce, John C.
Pierce, John C., Mary Ann E. Steger, Nicholas P. Jr. Lovrich
Pierce, John C., Nicholas P. Jr. Lovrich, Mary Ann E. Steger
Pierce, Richard A
Pierce, Richard A.
Pierre-Deschênes, Claudine
Piers, Harry
Pierson, Ruth Roach
Pietersma, H.
Pieux, Clare Lawrence
Pighetti, Clelia
Pigot, David
Pigot, Louise Caroline
Pihl, Robert H.
Pijawka, K. David
Pike, G. D.
Pike, Gordon C
Pike, Gordon C.
Pike, Robert M.
Pike, Rodney
Pile, Dollette
Pilon-Le, Lise
Pilon, Jean-Luc
Pilon, Kenneth
Pilon, Manon
Pilote, Francine
Pilote, Martine
Pinard, Claude
Pinard, Yolande
Pinault, Roger
Pine, Carol
Pineau, Jean
Pineau, Lionel
Pineau, Marius
Pinfield, Lawrence T.
Pingle, J. F.
Pinkerton, Evelyn
Pinkerton, Kathrene
Pinkham, Augustus M.
Pinkowski, Edward
Pinnell, Richard Hugh
Pintal, Jean-Yves
Pipe, Wes
Piper, Don Courtney
Pippis, A.
Pirie, F. W.
Pirozynski, A. K.
Pirsko, Arthur R.
Pitavy, Danièle
Pitman, Erma R.
Pitsula, James M.
Pitt, Michael
Pitt, R. D. W.
Pitte, Jean-Robert
Pittman, Jerry N.
Piva, Michael J.
Pizanias, Caterina
Place, I. C. M.
Place, Ian Cameron Munro
Plamondon-Bouchard, Monique
Plamondon, François
Plant, Charles
Plant, Charles, Harold M. Stilson, Paul R. Smith, Elwood R. Maunder, Betty E. Mitson
Plante, Jean-Paul
Platt, Carolyn V.
Platt, D. C. M.
Platt, D.C.M.
Platt, Rutherford
Plessis, Joseph-Octave
Pletcher, David M.
Pletsch, Albert
Plett, Delbert F.
Plewes, W. Gordon
Plewman, W. R.
Plochmann, Richard P.
Plourde, André
Plourde, André Roger
Plourde, Charles
Plourde, G. C.
Plourde, Michel
Plumet, Patrick
Plumstead, A. W.
Pluta, Leonard Andrew
PNew Brunswick. Potato Division
Pocius, Gerald L.
Podruchny, Carolyn
Podruchny, Carolyn Frances
Poetschke, Leonard Ernest
Poettcker, Henry
Poffenroth, Alf
Pogue, Basil Gregory
Poirier, Guy
Poirier, Jean
Poirier, Lorette
Poirier, Michel
Poirier, Norman
Poitras, Claire
Polachic, Darlene
Pole, Graeme
Polese, Mario
Polèse, Mario; Toupin, Pierre
Pollard, Bruce G.
Pollard, Eber
Pollard, Judith
Pollard, Juliet Thelma
Pollard, Ruth
Pollet Villard, Guencièlle
Pollock-Ellwand, Nancy
Pollock, Gary
Pollock, Grace
Pollock, John William
Polsky, Colin
Polsky, Colin Daniel
Pomerleau, Julie
Pomerleau, René
Pomeroy, Elsie May
Pomfret, Richard William Thomas
Pominville, Noël
Pompilii, Sergio Elio
Pond, Tom M
Pond, Tom M.
Pons, Xavier
Pontaut, Alain
Ponting, Clive
Pool, Gail R.
Poole, A. F. N.
Poole, C. F.
Poole, George
Pope, Peter
Pope, Peter E.
Pope, William
Popov, Michael
Popp, Carol
Popple, Henry
Porcher, E. A.
Porlier-Bourdages, Laure
Porsild, Alf Erling
Porsild, Charlene L.
Porter, Brian
Porter, Brian B. C.
Porter, C. R.
Porter, Charlotte M.
Porter, John
Porter, John R.
Porter, Marilyn
Porter, Russell Williams
Portier, Dimitri
Post, Robert C.
Postnikov, Alexei V.
Potestio, John
Pothier, Bernard
Pothier, Louise
Pottelberg, Pauline A.
Potter, G. R. L.
Potter, R. R.
Potts, Randall C.
Potvin, Albert
Potvin, Damase
Potvin, François
Potvin, Nicole
Potvin, Robert
Potyondi, Barry
Poudrier, Maryse
Poulin, Antonio
Poulin, Guy
Poulin, Jean-Charles
Poulin, V. A.
Pouliot, L. J.
Pouliot, Léon
Poulson, Cornelia
Pounder, E. R.
Poupeney-Hart, Catherine
Pourbaix, Isabelle de
Poutanen, Neil
Powe, Bruce W.
Powell, Allan Kent
Powell, Art
Powell, Ben
Powell, Benjamin W
Powell, Benjamin W Sr
Powell, Herbert G.
Powell, J.
Powell, J. M.
Powell, Leslie C.
Powell, Margaret S
Powell, Margaret S.
Powell, Mary
Powell, R. Baden
Powell, Sheila
Powell, Stephen D.
Power, Geoffrey
Power, Michael
Power, Tyrone
Powers, Bob
Powles, Howard
Poynter, F. N. L.
Prager, Gabriella
Pratt, Larry
Pratt, Philip
Pratte-Gagnon, France
Prebble, M. L.
Preece, Rod
Préfontaine, Charles
Premiers coupons de viandes au Canada, en 1757
Prendergast, Hew D. V.
Prentice, Alison
Prentice, Barry E.
Prentiss, William C.
Prescott-Allen, Christine
Prescott-Allen, Robert
Pressman, Norman E. P.
Preston, Adrian
Preston, Richard A.
Preston, Richard Arthur
Preston, Richard E.
Preston, Richard J.
Preston, Susan M.
Pretes, Michael
Prevec, Rosemary
Prevey, Chester Mariotte F.
Priamo, Carol Anne
Price, F. A.
Price, Frederick Avery
Price, Gord
Price, John
Price, John A.
Price, Larry W.
Price, Martin F.
Price, Myer
Price, R. T.
Price, Richard
Price, Richard J.
Price, Robert
Price, Trevor
Price, Vernon
Priddle, George B.
Pridham, Edwin A.
Priess, Peter J.
Priestman, Thomas
Prince, Edward Ernest
Prince, Gilbert H.
Prince, Joseph M.
Prince, Michael John
Prince, Nicholette
Prine, Charles W., Jr.
Pringle, Allan
Pringle, Heather
Pringle, James Scott
Priston, Heath
Pritchard, Allan
Pritchard, Gregory P.
Pritchard, James S.
Probald, Ferenc
Probst, Katherine N.
Proctor, Billy
Prodan, C. S.
Programme de recherche en démographie historique
Prokop, Manfred
Pronovost, Claude
Pross, August Paul
Prothero, Frank
Proulx, Georges-Etienne
Proulx, Gilles
Proulx, Jean-Pierre
Proulx, Jean-René
Proulx, Louise
Proulx, Michèle Lorraine
Proulx, Solange
Prouty, Andrew Mason
Provencher, Jean
Provencher, Jean-Paul
Provencher, Paul
Provost, Honorius
Provost, Pierre
Provost, René
Prudham, W. Scott
Prudhommeaux, Samuel
Pryke, G. K.
Pryke, K. G.
Public Advisory Committees to the Environment Council of Alberta
Public Archives of, Canada
Pucci, Antonio
Pugh, Donald Edward
Pugh, Terry
Pullen, H. F.
Pullen, Hugh F.
Pullen, T. C.
Pullen, Thomas C.
Pullen, W. J. S.
Pulsifer, Cameron
Pumpelly, Raphael
Punch, Katherine
Punch, Terrence M.
Punch, Terrence M. transl
Punter, John Vincent
Pupchek, Leanne Stuart
Purdy, Gordon A.
Purdy, Sean
Pushie, Gordon F.
Putnam, Donald F.
Putnam, Robert G.
Puyjalon, Henri De
Pyne, Stephen J.
Pynn, Larry
Pyszczyk, Heinz W.